Page Title
- Is in sentence case
- Are NOT bolded or italicized
- Uses ampersands (&) instead of the word ‘and’
- Formatted using H1
Section Headings
- Are used to break up page content into easily comprehensible chunks of information
- Are in sentence case
- Are NOT bolded or italicized
- Main page header, used only one per page: Formatted with H2
- 1st level: Formatted with H3
- 2nd level: Formatted with H4
- 3rd level: Formatted with H5
- 4th level: Formatted with H6
- Does not end with a colon
- Uses ampersands (&) instead of the word ‘and’
Page Text
- Offers a concise summary first, followed by details
- Is written in short, clear sentences
- Is written in short, logically laid out paragraphs
- Is broken into bulleted points whenever appropriate: do not overuse bullets
- Is properly punctuated
- Does not overuse exclamation points
Bulleted points
- Begin with a capital letter
- Does not end with a period, or any other punctuation
- Contains ONE point
- Are created using the built-in editor
- Are embedded within text, rather than using the link
- Are clear, concise and meaningful out of context
- Do not contain the words ‘click here’ or ‘learn more’
- Contain * or ** to denote document type with link to download plug-in at bottom of page
- Open in a new window if linking to an external website or a document
- Is created by good writing, clear language, short paragraphs, bullets, etc
- Is rarely created by use of bold, italic or capitalized text
- Is never created by the use of color
- Is never created using the H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
- Contain ‘alt’ text
- Are properly named and categorized, if uploading new images
Video & Audio
- Includes captions or transcripts
- Are properly named and categorized, if uploading new documents
Submitting for Review/Publishing
- Reviewed work to ensure checklist is complete
- Allowed sufficient time for review by Editor or Admin o Admin approval for publishing requires 1-2 business days