Submitting Content for Review and Approval

Submitting Your Content For Review & Publishing


Once your edits are complete, add any relevant Edit Notes for your Editor/Administrator by clicking Add a Note. This will help those reviewing your content to know what they should be looking for or reviewing and send it to them via email along with notification that there is content ready for review. Content will not be submitted without a note, it is required.



Next, scroll to the top of the page and click Update in the Publish box.



You will see the status change from Published to Pending Review. Note: The old content is still live during this review period and will not prohibit visitors from accessing or interacting with existing content.


An email will be sent to your Editor (or Administrator if there is not a department/division Editor) alerting them that there is content ready for review.






If you are editing/creating/updating content, please see the Author process above. Your content will be sent to the website administrator for review and publishing to the web.


If you are reviewing Author content that has been submitted for review, visit the page (you will see Pending next to the page name) and click Edit.


Note: It may say that the individual is still editing the page, if this happens; please select Take Over when prompted.



After reviewing the page content, or making any necessary adjustments, scroll to the bottom of the page and add any relevant Edit Notes for the Administrator by clicking Add a Note. This will help those reviewing your content to know what they should be looking for or reviewing and send it to them via email along with notification that there is content ready for review.



Next, scroll to the top of the page and click Update in the Publish box.





An email will be sent to the Administrator alerting them that there is content ready for review.



Workflow Timeline

Please allow 1-2 business days for content submitted to the Administrator within Public Relations and marketing to Publish content to the website.



Email notifications for web edits submitted for review will be sent via NEMOED Website from They will look similar to:


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