thunder::tech offers a pro-active support subscription that covers both monitoring and security for your website.
thunder::tech would install a monitor on your site that can notify not only us, but anyone else you would like notified, if the website starts to have issues. This allows you to stay on top of any issues that happen on the website that may require other action.
Along with the site monitor, thunder::tech would provide monthly reports that include the following:
- Stats from the site monitor, including availability, downtime, and average response time.
- Hosting area news that is relevant to the site and maintenance recap.
- Content Management System news and latest releases.
- Update/Upgrade recommendations from thunder::tech
thunder::tech would install a 3rd-party firewall that would scan incoming traffic to make sure it is not malicious. If it is determined that certain traffic is malicious, it will be denied access to the website.
Along with the firewall, thunder::tech would provide monthly reports that include the stats from the firewall, including how many web requests were denied and why.