What is Kentico 7?

Kentico Content Management System is a piece of software that allows users to update and maintain a website, without the need of any in-depth knowledge of coding.

Kentico 7 displays most of the tools users will use at a regular basis as soon as they log in, making the process of editing a site very easy from the beginning. Based on which view the user is in, even more site options can be edited in easy-to-understand ways: select the Administration tab allows site admins to adjust and modify user accounts and roles, and through the Tools tab users can access the site’s media library and form submissions. To learn more and determine if Kentico 7 fits your company’s needs, check out our article “What is Kentico”.

Kentico 7 was released on September 17th, 2012 with the basic components of its functionality drawn from the previous version, Kentico 6, but also including some new functionality such as:

  • basic workflow for editing content pages
  • translation services
  • assign layouts depending on which device the site is viewed on (PC, tablets, mobile)
  • support chat with Kentico’s support team
  • See the full list of new Kentico 7 features

The system requirements to install Kentico 7 are:

  • Operating system: Windows Vista or newer
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher
  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 or higher, or Visual Studio/Visual Web Developer server 2008 or higher
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher

The hosting requirements for Kentico 7 are:

  • Medium or full-trust permissions for the ASP.NET web application
    • If the server uses medium trust, then ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 must be installed on the server
  • It's recommended that your hosting area has at least 10GB (or more) of hard drive space free for the CMS files and database

Kentico 7 Vulnerabilities

  • Due to security purposes, Kentico does not disclose functionality vulnerabilities for their CMS to the public. They can be, however, contacted about discovered issues to be patched through their Submit a Support Issue form page.
  • The latest hotfix patch, 7.0.103, was released August 29th, 2014 and unless there is a major vulnerability reported, there are no more plans for any future Kentico 7 patches to be made.


If you have any questions, please call us at 216.391.2255 or email us at support@thundertech.com.

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