Where do I go to find the license information for my Kentico account?

If you are interested in knowing exactly which Kentico version you have and its licensing information, you can contact your account manager or email support@thundertech.com.

Typically, our clients will purchase Kentico through us.  We are Gold Certified Partner with Kentico and can offer all of the products available.

The 1 site license is the likely deployment for our clients.

1 Website License allows you to use Kentico CMS for one live website. The website may have one main domain and any number of additional domain aliases that point to the same content as the main domain.

Different language versions of the same website that are created using the built-in multi-lingual support are all considered as the same website.

If you run websites with different content on sub-domains of the main domain, such as store.mydomain.com, these websites are considered as a new website and require an additional license.

If you run a mobile version of your site within the same Kentico CMS website (within the same content tree) as your main site, 1 website license covers both the main site and the mobile site.

If you run multiple sites with different design and/or purpose in a single Kentico CMS website, each of these sites still needs 1 website license.

The license is limited to 1 server. For licensing in web farms, in the cloud and on virtual servers please read the relevant paragraphs below.

For more information, you can always check out some of the resources here:


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