When starting your web presence, you will need a way people can contact you outside of physical mail, and phone calls. You may be tempted to get the cheapest plan you find for emails. However, these email plans usually involve the bare minimum (just an inbox, with little space) with no features. This decision can hinder your growth, not only as a web presence, but as a company. Exchange email inboxes come with a multitude of features, that can keep up with your growth.
First feature users usually notice is just how much space they get with their inbox. Free email providers only provide the bare minimum to get you started. This can make managing email even more troublesome then it needs to be, by needing to keep your inbox space below the minimum, so you can continue receiving emails. Exchange email inboxes come with expanded inbox space, that can vary depending on the Exchange provider.
Next feature that users will love is the improved security measures. Spam filters and malware scans are automatically integrated onto the email server, that automatically work in the background, worry free. IT will be able to sleep easier, knowing users will not be constantly targeted by spammers looking to spread malware, or steal information.
Next feature that users love is shared resources and contacts. Email clients that sync calendars will also allow you to easily schedule meetings, and share your calendar with others. Shared calendars allow users to easily see who is available, and schedule meetings, instead of needing to hunt down the right people. Shared contacts allow give new employees a resource to find existing employees and contacts email addresses. No longer will you need to manually document and update co-workers email addresses.
Last features, but certainly not last, that users love is the easy setup, and real-time sync. Setting up a user's mobile device with an exchange account only ever needs the email address and password. No need for manually entering multiple settings, server names, and making sure checkboxes are checked. Once a user's mobile device is setup, email will, by default, be delivered in real time, to all devices that connect to the exchange email account.
Ready to switch to exchange email? Check out Rackspace's current offering. Rackspace offers 100GB inboxes, with all the neccessary security measures, and a bevy of features that many companies can utilize. Combined with Rackspace's best in class support, it is impossible to be disappointed.
Contact us support@thundertech.com and request guided email set up from our specialists.